
Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA) has been working with Transport for NSW to support the proposal to deliver the Paramatta Light Rail Stage 2 which will connect Parramatta to Carter St via Camelia, Ermington, Melrose Park and Sydney Olympic Park. The delivery of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 project will be transformational for the Sydney Olympic Park community, providing greater connectivity for residents, businesses and visitors.

SOPA is proposing to enter into a construction licence with Transport for NSW to allow for construction and commissioning of the works outlined in the notification. The areas of the Millennium Parklands that would be subject to the construction licence are part of the Woo-la-ra Landfill known as Triangle Transport Site (see images below).

The current Government funding is for preparation works only.

The proposed works will include a 320m bridge spanning from Melrose across Parramatta River to Wentworth Point as well as a section of dual purpose light rail line through the Millennium Parklands to Hill Road. Any residual lands will be returned for public amenity uses or as planted area.

SOPA would like to invite community feedback on the proposal to grant a construction licence to Transport for NSW for the construction of the enabling works. Feedback will be collated over a 28-day period and SOPA's response will be shared via #mySOP in June 2024.

Please share your feedback below by Friday 31 May 2024.

Community Feedback

The community was invited to share feedback in response to the proposal to grant a construction licence to Transport for NSW for the construction of the enabling works.

We received three comments from members of the community, two looking forward to the progression of the project and one concerning the access and usage at Hill Road (noted below).


'Hill road is already a very high usage road with very limited access / parking. In granting a construction licence consideration should be given to how adequate off-road space can be provided to ensure any vehicles, construction related material etc do not impact traffic flow. Space connected with the Armory / parklands should be utilised, particularly as long term, that area will be substantially changed as a result of the light rail.'

SOPA Planning Team Response:

The construction licence for the Parramatta Light Rail enabling works will allow Transport for NSW (TNSW) to access, use, and occupy the Licensed Area for worker amenities, materials handling and storage and provide lay down areas for construction vehicles and contractor parking.

Before works commence, TNSW are required, as a condition of planning consent, to prepare a detailed traffic management plan and construction management plan for efficient vehicles movements into and out of each Licensed Area. The Armory and parklands are subject to strict heritage, threatened species and contaminated sites regulations and impacts on these areas will need to be carefully considered.