Project purpose

Develop future Directions Statement for the Sydney Olympic Park Parklands to guide the future evolution and development of the parklands and the review of the current Parklands Plan of Management 2010.

Project Background

  • Originally created as the major legacy of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, Sydney Olympic Park was transformed from an industrial wasteland to include vibrant and successful regional parklands.
  • These parklands form a perfect complement to the urban development of the Sydney Olympic Park town centre and surrounding areas, by providing much needed open space and natural habitat.
  • Twenty years on, the parklands play an increasingly important role as both a local park and as a significant regional park destination as Sydney grows. Today, the parklands are enjoyed by more than 2.7 million people annually.
  • The 430-hectares of parklands are an association of many different parks and places brought together as a single entity for management purposes by Sydney Olympic Park Authority, under a Plan of Management adopted in 2010.
  • Challenges for the parklands include peak weekend usage, ageing assets combined with the protection of the Park’s native flora and fauna and projected increase in use due to future development in Sydney Olympic Park and surrounding suburbs.
  • A new vision and plan is needed that responds to these challenges and to ensure the historic success of the parklands will continue into the future as our community of place and interest grows.

Community Consultation


During 2019 Sydney Olympic Park Authority has been developing a Future Directions statement to outline a new vision for Sydney Olympic Park’s diverse parklands, for the next 10 years.

As part of the development of the Future Directions statement, community and stakeholder consultation was completed in May 2019, and the Authority has undertaken additional studies to support the new vision in the months since.

A range of insights provided from community consultations conducted in 2019 have informed the Draft Future Directions vision for the parklands.


As part of the next stage of community engagement - stakeholders and the community are now invited to provide input and feedback on the draft vision.

The Draft Future Directions document will be on public exhibition from 1 February to 28 February 2021. Submissions are now invited from the community regarding the proposed new vision for the parklands.

How can you participate?

You can participate by providing your feedback via the survey below. The survey closes on 30 May 2021.