Celebrate 2023 and International Volunteers Day

After a big year for Neighbours Nurturing Nature, it's time to acknowledge the efforts our volunteers. This also happens to be International Volunteer Day so it's a double celebration! And we'll spread some Christmas cheer.

Let's keep this event as sustainable as possible - please bring a reusable cup for hot or cold beverages.

  • Date: 9th December, 2023
  • Time: 9:30am - 11:00am
  • Location: Teal Pond Lawn (-33.845956, 151.052430).
  • Supplied: Morning Tea
  • BYO: Camping chair (we will have picnic blankets as a backup), reusable cup and plate
  • Who's invited: Anyone who has volunteered with the NNN project or is in some way connected to the program, including school students who have participated.
  • What to expect: There will be music, food, a few speeches and lots of story sharing. There will even be some gifts! We will also ask you to complete our end of year survey to allow us to finish off the grant.
  • Please Note: There are no toilets nearby

To let us know you'll be coming by completing the form below so we can cater accordingly.