Park Care - Clean Up the Riverwalk
Sydney Olympic Park sits along the Parramatta River and includes one of the last natural progressions of river, salt marsh, mangroves and forest. Unfortunately we are seeing large amounts of litter being carried downstream and washing up onto the Riverwalk.
We'll meet at the Muruma Healing Space at the Newington Armory Wharf and walk to our target location together. After an induction, we'll then spread out along the river's edge.
Gloves, clean-up bags and hand sanitiser will be available on the day, so all you need to do is gather a few mates and sign-up a for this opportunity to make a difference.
High school students involved in this community event are able to log these hours as part of their mandatory volunteering hours. This is a valuable experience to gain and develop inter-personal skills.
Due to the fragile nature of the site, these clean ups are limited to 20 participants - please register your interest to attend this clean up.
Lastly, the final fifteen minutes of the program is set aside to audit the litter collected.
Parking is available in the Newington Armory carpark.
Let us know you'll be coming by booking a ticket via Eventbrite.