Image of parklands featuring pond, cyclists riding along bike path and greenery.

Bicentennial Park, as of today.

Bicentennial Park

Character Statement Summary

The Bicentennial Character Area is a green asset for the whole of Sydney and the local community to enjoy. It includes the well-established recreational destination of Bicentennial Park, the nationally-recognised estuarine wetland habitats of the Badu Mangroves and the picturesque birdwatching hotspot of Lake Belvedere.

Together, these areas provide for a range of outdoor activities such as picnicking, walking, cycling, play, nature appreciation and environmental education. Existing visitor facilities include picnic areas, playgrounds, barbeques, carparks, a dog exercise area, boardwalks, bird hides, an education centre and a café and function centre. Parts of the Bicentennial parklands area are available for casual hire for social gatherings including weddings and occasionally for large-scale community events.

The Bicentennial Character Area will continue to grow as both a regional leisure destination and an asset for local users. Future enhancements will typically be relatively small-scale and low intensity, in keeping with the primary purpose of the land as public open space intended for informal outdoor leisure activities and nature conservation.

Design Principles

The design of Bicentennial Park is to be guided by the following principles:


a. Respect and enhance Wangal Country and the sites relationship to water, including the Parramatta River and Newington Nature Reserve.

b. Provide active and passive open space for regional and local users.

c. Ensure there is sufficient space to allow sea level rise and key ecological communities.

d. Manage the Badu Mangroves primarily for nature conservation. Additionally, provide for appropriate low-intensity, nature-based leisure activities and educational programs.

e. Continue treatment and management of water quality to improve aquatic habitats.

f. Minimise light spill across the park and avoid installation of lighting adjacent to Badu Mangroves.

g. Minimise overshadowing of Lake Belvedere and Bicentennial Park.

h. Provide urban elements such as wayfinding, bins and lighting as appropriate and in accordance with the PEDM.

i. Formal, accessible pedestrian, cycles and shared paths to be provided within the park integrating with existing paths and connecting to local destinations in surrounding neighbourhoods.

j. Built form is to be of high quality, and complement and enhance the primary purpose of Bicentennial Park as a space for unstructured public recreation.

k. Any redevelopment of the exiting retail / commercial building should not increase the building footprint.

l. Building bulk, materials, and colour palette should be designed to complement the open parkland character.

m. Any redevelopment of commercial / retail building should enhance public use (including provision for public amenities) and circulation around the built form.

n. Where possible, impacts of any commercial / retail building on Lake Belvedere should be avoided including noise, light spill, and litter.

o. Any storage required for commercial or retail operations are to be accommodated on-site and integrated into the design of the building.

Bicentennial Concept

The design of Bicentennial Park is to be broadly aligned with concept images (view the full document), including:

  1. Passive open lawn spaces for regional and local users.
  2. Improved pedestrian and cycling links to surrounding urban areas.
  3. An expanded playground coherently integrated with the existing Village Green playground. The playground should be equipped with:
    a. Nature play elements; and
    b. Structure play elements.

The design of the expanded playground should respond to and incorporate:

a. The sites setting and relationship to adjacent habitat; and

b. WSUD.

4. Enhanced habitat opportunities.

5. Picnic and barbecue areas with shade structures and picnic tables.

6. Increased capacity for stormwater treatment and diversified habitat opportunities in Lake Belvedere.

7. New pedestrian connection from Trelliage Tower to the path adjacent to Badu Mangroves. Ensure that path is sensitive to Sydney Olympic Park Sundial/Amphitheater.

8. If feasible, expand the existing dog park to cater for the increased resident population of the Urban Centre.

Image of Treillage and green trees.

The Treillage, Bicentennial Park, as of today.