An artistic impression of Edwin Flack Ave buildings and nearby stadiums.

An artistic impression of Edwin Flack Ave (to the left) and surrounding precincts in Sydney Olympic Park 2050.

Edwin Flack Neighbourhood

Character Statement Summary

The Edwin Flack Neighbourhood is bounded by the Carter Street Precinct and Edwin Flack Avenue from Shale Street to Birnie Avenue. Located on the edge of Sydney Olympic Park, it provides a transition to the Carter Street Precinct.

Residential development, including student housing and tourist and visitor accommodation will be the dominant uses within the neighbourhood. These uses will activate the periphery of Sydney Olympic Park by encouraging day-to-day movement through the Sports and Civic Precinct and the Urban Centre to the east.

A range of Food and Drink offerings and a mix of local services and businesses will be attracted to the neighbourhood, supporting this lively neighbourhood. Urban tree canopy and a new park at the corner of Edwin Flack Avenue and Shale Street will provide amenity to residents, workers and visitors alike.

To read more about this neighbourhood download the Master Plan 2050 PDF document.

Layout and land use


a. Provide an urban structure that prioritises active transport movement through the Edwin Flack Neighbourhood and provides direct and accessible connections to the Urban Centre, public transport, the Sports and Civic Precinct and the Carter Street Precinct.

b. Provide residential dwellings, visitor accommodation, student housing and other short-term accommodation along Edwin Flack Avenue.

c. Focus active uses at the intersection of Edwin Flack Avenue and Dawn Fraser Avenue.

d. Provide public open spaces for the enjoyment of the community.

e. Provide landscaped setbacks along Birnie Avenue as a reprieve between Sydney Olympic Park and the Carter Street Precinct.

Built Form


a. Provide a consistent street setback to Edwin Flack Avenue.

b. Provide a transition in the building scale and intensity from the higher density development within the Carter Street Precinct to large scale pavilion buildings in the Stadia and Sports and Civic Precincts to the east.

c. Protect view sharing and solar access to adjacent residential development and public open spaces.

Public Open Spaces


a. Provide a range of public open spaces within the Edwin Flack neighbourhood to meet the diverse needs of residents, workers and visitors.

b. Design new open public spaces to maximise functionality and amenity for intended users.



a. Maintain Edwin Flack Avenue as a key connector street with increased active transport.

b. Improve active transport connections from Edwin Flack Avenue to the Carter Street Precinct.

c. Minimise vehicle access points from Edwin Flack Avenue.

d. Connect Sydney Olympic Park to the Pippita pedestrian and cyclist bridge with a new bridge across Edwin Flack Avenue.