An artistic impression visualising an aerial view of what the Eastern Neighbourhood could look like in the year 2050, featuring apartment buildings next to green parklands.

An artistic impression of the Eastern Neighbourhood in 2050.

Eastern Neighbourhood

Character Statement Summary

The Eastern Neighbourhood will be a high-density residential neighbourhood located directly east of the Urban Centre. The Eastern Neighbourhood benefits from its proximity to Bicentennial Park and the Brickpit which offer high amenity to residents.

A new open space, located at the junction of two key linkages and in close proximity to the Brickpit, will be the focal point of the Eastern Neighbourhood. The new open space provides an opportunity to become a shared open space adjacent to a potential new primary school. The new open space and potential new primary school will be located in the centre of the neighbourhood to maximise sunlight access and create a community hub. There is opportunity for additional indoor recreation facilities to be located at the corner of Australia Avenue and Murray Rose Avenue.

Parkview Drive will be the primary street linking residents to the Urban Centre and the Metro Station. It will accommodate active uses, including outdoor dining, to serve local needs and enhance the amenity of the link. The existing P6 car park will be redeveloped as a residential development overlooking the Brickpit and Parklands. The provision of an ecological buffer between any future development on the P6 car park site and the southern edge of the Brickpit will ensure the ecological values of the Brickpit are protected. A new pedestrian path will be provided along the southern edge of the Brickpit which will link to a fitness trail surrounding the perimeter of the Brickpit.

To read more about this neighbourhood download the Master Plan 2050 PDF document.

Layout and land use


a. Promote high density residential uses to reinforce the role of the Eastern Neighbourhood as a vibrant residential neighbourhood.

b. Activate public open spaces, Parkview Drive and the northern sections of Betty Cuthbert Avenue and Australia Avenue with retail uses, outdoor dining and the school.

c. Provide an urban structure that prioritises active transport movement through the Eastern Neighbourhood and provides connections to nearby commercial and retail uses, the school and public transport nodes.

d. Provide space for a primary school to support the growing population of families within Sydney Olympic Park and to meet the educational needs of the local community.

e. Focus commercial and hotel uses along Australia Avenue, between Parkview Drive and Murray Rose Avenue.

f. Provide public open spaces for the enjoyment of the Eastern Neighbourhood residents and nearby communities.

Built Form


a. Reinforce the significance of Australia Avenue through appropriate building form and scale.

b. Protect view sharing and solar access to existing and new public open spaces.

c. Frame Australia Avenue with consistent street wall heights to create a strong identity and urban form within the Eastern Neighbourhood.

d. Provide a transition in building scale from higher tower forms in the west to lower building forms in the east fronting Bennelong Parkway.

e. Provide building setbacks which respond to the character of the street, align with existing development and pedestrian linkages and allow for the retention of established trees and new tree planting.

f. Provide adequate solar access to existing and future residential development.

Public Open Spaces


a. Provide a range of public open spaces within the Eastern Neighbourhood to meet the diverse needs of residents, workers and visitors.

b. Identify the optimal location of new public open spaces having regard to the surrounding land uses, access and movement, built form and environmental amenity including sunlight access.

c. The design of new open public spaces is to maximise functionality and amenity for the intended users.



a. Create a car-lite neighbourhood by supporting low car parking provisions and prescribing access and servicing locations.

b. Improve active transport connections from the Brickpit to the Eastern Neighbourhood via new walking and cycling connections.

c. Provide east-west connections through the Eastern Neighbourhood from Australia Avenue to Bennelong Parkway and to Bicentennial Park.

d. Create a community focus within the Eastern Neighbourhood by prioritising pedestrian and cycling transport to provide direct connections to open spaces, the school and public transport throughout the neighbourhood.
An artistic impression visualising what the Eastern Neighbourhood could look like in the year 2050, featuring buildings and a park with a playground.

An artistic impression of the Eastern Neighbourhood in 2050.