An artistic impression of Sydney Olympic Park in 2050.
Haslams Park
Character Statement Summary
The Haslams Park Character Area is positioned in the centre of the Parklands and on the doorstep of the Wentworth Point and Newington communities. It includes the diverse precincts of Haslams Creek, Wentworth Common, Archery Park, the Brickpit, Narawang Wetland and Parklands Junction. Together these areas support significant ecological systems with a rich biodiversity and provide for a unique range of passive and active recreation opportunities.
An extensive network of walkways, boardwalks, cycle paths and roads connect the various precincts and links to the wider Sydney Olympic Park precinct and to regional travel routes. There are abundant opportunities to explore and experience the complex green and blue network of habitats from the pathways that weave through the changing landscape, including from the elevated Brickpit Ring Walk. These habitats will continue to be protected and conserved, and will be strengthened by revegetation of the Haslams Creek corridor and Little Kronos Hill.
A new hub for active recreation will be created in the centre of Haslams Park. This hub will include sports fields, BMX and pump tracks, a Wave Park and fitness facilities. Parts of the large carpark alongside Hill Road will be transformed into recreational spaces as the local public transport network grows and the need for carparking is reduced.
Open lawns for informal recreation together with picnic areas and playgrounds will be dispersed throughout the area. New playgrounds and hard courts at Archery Park and the Pyramid will be provided, as well as picnic tables and shade structures atop Kronos Hill.
Design Principles
The design of Haslams Park is to be guided by the following principles:
a. Be consistent with the Parklands Plan of Management.
b. Build ecological connectivity between Haslams Creek and Newington Nature Reserve.
c. Provide managed access to the Brickpit floor for visitors as part of an interpretative tour or program.
d. Promote community use and informal recreation of the turfed areas of Haslams Creek Flats and Haslams Field.
e. Optimise the community use of Wentworth Common.
f. Provide urban elements such as wayfinding, bins and lighting as appropriate and in accordance with the Design Manual.
Haslams Park North
1. A green buffer between carparking and Bennelong Parkway.
2. Retention of the Pole Forest where possible at Archery Park.
3. New open space for informal community use.
4. A continuous recreational loop that connects to the River Walk and the Archery Bridge.
5. A new playground located adjacent to Haslams Creek,
which has a strong visual connection to Wentworth Point.
The new playground should be equipped with:
a. Nature play elements; and
b. Structure play elements.
The design of the new playground should respond to
and incorporate:
a. The sites setting and relationship to adjacent habitat;
b. WSUD.
6. Repurposing of the Archery Centre building to allow for informal and formal community uses.
7. Utilising the space between built forms and the Nuwi Wetlands for community uses. Opportunities for hardcourts, seating and breakout spaces shaded by retained mature vegetation and shade structures are to be provided.
8. An area of open lawn to accommodate four sports fields to be used for formal and informal community sports.
9. Sports fields which are equipped with appropriate lighting to allow for activities after dark, whilst considering the parks setting adjacent to key habitat.
10. An amenities building with toilets and change rooms.
11. Car parking spaces adjacent to the new sports fields.
Haslams Park West
The design of Haslams Park West is to include:
1. A new BMX track and other sporting facility located at the
existing P5 car park. This should include:
a. Amenities block and changes rooms;
b. Flood lighting that allows for the use of the facility after
dark but minimises impacts on sensitive ecosystems;
c. Car parking.
2. A new playground on the eastern edge of The Pyramid,
overlooking the Northern Water Feature. The new
playground should be equipped with:
a. Nature play elements; and
b. Structure play elements.
The design of the new playground should respond to and
a. The site’s setting and relationship to adjacent habitat;
b. WSUD.
3. Amenities block adjacent to new playground.
4. Equitable access to the top of The Pyramid, where possible.
5. A pedestrian path around the western edge of the Northern Water Feature with improved connections to Kronos Hill and surrounding urban areas.
6. Retain and enhance Haslams Pier, providing improved wayfinding and interpretation opportunities.
7. Existing fountains to allow for informal play and engagement with water.
8. The Northern Water Feature is to better utilised for WSUD.
9. Increased capacity for stormwater treatment and diversified habitat opportunities in Northern Water Feature.
10. Public art integrated into the lawn areas on the top of Kronos Hill.
11. Seating opportunities along existing pathways.
12. Improved wayfinding and interpretation.
13. Improved access to Kronos Hill.
Haslams Park South
1. Lighting consistent with the broader precinct in the selection of lights is to minimise light spill into the Brickpit.
2. A new flexible space adjacent to the former pump house building. The space should provide an appropriate curtliage to the building for movement, with opportunities for pausing, seating and recreating in surrounding areas.
3. The retention and protection of Grebe and Rim Ponds.
4. Utilise cleared areas for informal seating and viewing over the ponds and Brickpit.
5. Provide a lookout over the Brickpit on the same alignment as Betty Cuthbert Avenue.
6. Provide fitness equipment and fenced area for dogs within Brickpit Park.
7. Ensure a bushland offset is maintained at Little Kronos Hill.

An artistic impression of Haslams Park North in Sydney Olympic Park 2050.